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Opinion: Urban resilience efforts must consider social and political forces
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2017 | H Eakin, LA Bojórquez-Tapia, MA Janssen, M Georgescu, D Manuel-Navarrete, ER Vivoni, AE Escalante, A Baeza-Castro, M Mazari-Hiriart, AM Lerner

On the long-term hydroclimatic sustainability of perennial bioenergy crop expansion over the United States
Journal of Climate | 2016 | M Wang, M Wagner, G Miguez-Macho, Y Kamarianakis, A Mahalov, M Moustaoui, J Miller, A VanLoocke, JE Bagley, CJ Bernacchi, M Georgescu

A realistic meteorological assessment of perennial biofuel crop deployment: a Southern Great Plains perspective
GCB Bioenergy | 2016 | M Wagner, M Wang, G Miguez-Macho, J Miller, A VanLoocke, JE Bagley, CJ Bernacchi, M Georgescu

Citywide impacts of cool roof and rooftop solar photovoltaic deployment on near-surface air temperature and cooling energy demand
Boundary-Layer Meteorology | 2016 | F Salamanca, M Georgescu, A Mahalov, M Moustaoui, A Martilli

Impacts of urbanization on summer climate in China: An assessment with coupled land‐atmospheric modeling
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2016 | Q Cao, D Yu, M Georgescu, J Wu

A sweet deal? Sugarcane, water and agricultural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Global Environmental Change | 2016 | TM Hess, J Sumberg, T Biggs, M Georgescu, D Haro-Monteagudo, G Jewitt, M Ozdogan, M Marshall, P Thenkabail, A Daccache, F Marin, JW Knox

Loss of a lake system in a megacity: The impact of urban expansion on seasonal meteorology in Mexico City
Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres | 2016 | V Benson‐Lira, M Georgescu, S Kaplan, ER Vivoni

Multi-scale modeling and evaluation of urban surface energy balance in the Phoenix metropolitan area
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology |2015 | SR Shaffer, WTL Chow, M Georgescu, P Hyde, GD Jenerette, A Mahalov, M Moustaoui, BL Ruddell

Regional-scale transport of air pollutants: impacts of southern California emissions on Phoenix ground-level ozone concentrations
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2015, J Li, M Georgescu, P Hyde, A Mahalov, M Moustaoui

Challenges associated with adaptation to future urban expansion
Journal of Climate, 2015, M. Georgescu

Urban adaptation can roll back warming of emerging megapolitan regions
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences (USA), 2014, Georgescu, M., P. E. Morefield, B. G. Bierwagen, and C. P. Weaver

Anthropogenic heating of the urban environment due to air conditioning
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2014, F. Salamanca, M. Georgescu, A. Mahalov, M. Moustaoui, M. Wang

Challenges associated with projecting urbanization-induced heat-related mortality 
Science of The Total Environment, 2014, D. M. Hondula, M. Georgescu, R. C. Balling Jr.

The biophysical link between climate, water, and vegetation in bioenergy agro-ecosystems 
Biomass & Bioenergy, 2014, JE Bagley, SC Davis, M Georgescu, Mir Zaman Hussain, J Miller, SW Nesbitt, A VanLoocke, CJ Bernacchi

A multi-method and multi-scale approach for estimating city-wide anthropogenic heat fluxes 
Atmospheric Environment, 2014, WTL Chow, F Salamanca, M Georgescu, A Mahalov, JM Milne, BL Ruddell

Achieving accurate simulations of urban impacts on ozone at high resolution 
Environmental Research Letters, 2014, J Li, M Georgescu, P Hyde, A Mahalov and M Moustaoui

Summer-time climate impacts of projected megapolitan expansion in Arizona 
Nature Climate Change, 2013, Georgescu, M., M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov, and J. Dudhia

Simulated hydroclimatic impacts of projected Brazilian sugarcane expansion 
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013, Georgescu, M., D. B. Lobell, C. B. Field, and A. Mahalov

Assessing summertime urban air conditioning consumption in a semiarid environment 
Environmental Research Letters, 2013, F Salamanca, M Georgescu, A Mahalov, M Moustaoui, M Wang, BM Svoma

Seasonal Hydro-Climatic Impacts of Sun Corridor Expansion 
Environmental Research Letters, 2012, Georgescu, M., A. Mahalov, and M. Moustaoui

An alternative explanation of the semiarid urban area “oasis effect” 
of Geophysical Research, 2011, Georgescu, M., M. Moustaoui, A. Mahalov, and J. Dudhia

Direct climate effects of perennial bioenergy crops in the United States 
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences (USA), 2011, Georgescu, M., D. B. Lobell, and C. B. Field

Perennial Questions of Hydrology and Climate 
Science, 2010, M. Georgescu and D. B. Lobell

Potential impact of U.S. biofuels on regional climate 
Geophysical Research Letters, 2009, Georgescu, M., D. B. Lobell, and C. B. Field

Climate Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change over the Greater Phoenix, Arizona Region: 1. Surface Energy Budget Changes 
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, Georgescu, M., G. Miquez-Macho, L. T. Steyaert, and C. P. Weaver

Climatic effects of 30 years of landscape change over the Greater Phoenix, Arizona, region: 2. Dynamical and thermodynamical response 
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, Georgescu, M., G. Miquez-Macho, L. T. Steyaert, and C. P. Weaver

Sensitivity of summer climate to anthropogenic land cover change over the Greater Phoenix, AZ, Region 
Journal of Arid Environments, 2008, Georgescu, M., G. Miquez-Macho, L. T. Steyaert, and C. P. Weaver

Sensitivity of model-simulated summertime precipitation over the Mississippi River Basin to the spatial distribution of initial soil moisture 
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003, Georgescu, M., C. P. Weaver, R. Avissar, R. L. Walko, and G. Miguez-Macho

The determination of observed atmospheric differences between heavy and light precipitation events in New Jersey, USA 
International Journal of Climatology, 2001, Harnack, R.P., Apffel, K., M. Georgescu, and S. Baines